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Santiago, an old, weathered fisherman has just gone 84 days without catching a fish. On the 85th day, he is determined to catch a big, impressive fish.

For years, Santiago, living in a small fishing village in Cuba, has been fishing with a young boy named Manolin. Manolin started fishing with the old man when he was only 5 years old. Santiago is like Manolin's second father, and has taught the young boy everything about fishing. Manolin's parents, however, force the boy to leave Santiago and fish on a more lucrative fishing boat.

He feels the 85th day will be lucky for him. He sets out on his old, rickety skiff. Alone on the water, Santiago sets up his fishing lines with the utmost precision, a skill that other fisherman lack. Finally, a huge Marlin has found Santiago's bait and this sets off a very long struggle between the two. The Marlin is so huge that it drags Santiago beyond all other boats and people . His hands become badly cramped and he is cut and bruised from the force of the fish.Santiago and the Marlin become united out at sea. They are attached to each other physically, and in Santiago's case, emotionally. He sees the fish as his brother. Despite this, Santiago has to kill it. He feels guilty killing a brother, but after an intense struggle in which the fish drags the skiff around in circles, Santiago harpoons the very large fish and hangs it on the side of his boat.

For a while , a pack of sharks detects the blood in the water and follow the trail to Santiago's skiff. Santiago has to fend off each shark that goes after his prized catch. Each shark takes a huge bite out of the Marlin, but the old man fends them off, himself now bruised, but alive. He sails back to shore with the carcass of his Marlin. He is barely able to walk and slowly staggers back to his hut, where he falls into bed.

The next morning, the boy cries when he looks at Santiago's bruised hands. He said that he would vows to fish with Santiago again.


The “Chong Yang Festival” is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and it is as such known as the Double Ninth Festival.

Origins: The festival began as early as the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC). According to the yin/yang dichotomy that forms a basis to the Chinese world view, yin represents the elements of darkness and yang represents life and brightness. The number nine is regarded as yang. The ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day, hence the name “Chong Yang Festival”. (Chong means “repeat” in Chinese.) The ninth month also heralds the approach of winter. It is a time when the living need warm clothing, and filial Chinese sons and daughters extended this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for their ancestors. The Double Ninth Festival, therefore, also became an occasion to visit the graves of dead family members. Clothes made of paper would then be burnt as offerings.

Climbing mountains: On the Double Ninth Festival, people customarily climb mountains, appreciate chrysanthemum flowers, drink chrysanthemum wine, and eat double-ninth cakes. The Double Ninth Festival is also the “Old Men Festival”. Old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the festival.

Family get-togethers: The Double Ninth Festival is also a time for family get-togethers. It is an occasion to remember one's ancestors, the sacrifices they made and the hardships they underwent. Often, family outings are organised during which people search to renew their appreciation of nature and to reaffirm their love and concern for family members and close friends.




















Cao Cao (155 - March 15, 220), the word Mengde, a Geely, small word hiding, Pei country Qiao County (now Anhui Bozhou) people. The late Eastern Han Dynasty outstanding politicians, military strategists, writers, calligraphers, the three countries in the founder of the regime.

The Eastern Han Dynasty, the world chaos, Cao Cao to the name of the emperor in the name of the Quartet, the internal elimination of two Yuan, Lu Bu, Liu table, Ma Chao, Han Sui and other separatist forces, external surrender Southern Huns, Wuhuan, Xianbei, unified in northern China, and The implementation of a series of policies to restore economic production and social order, to expand the garrison, to build water conservancy, reward agriculture, mulberry, pay attention to handicraft industry, resettlement of exile, the implementation of “rent modulation”, so that the Central Plains society gradually stabilized, the economy turned. The Yellow River basin under the rule of Cao Cao, the political level of a certain degree of Qingming, the gradual recovery of the economy, class oppression slightly reduced, the social atmosphere has improved. Cao Cao in the name of the Han Dynasty to take some of the measures have a positive effect. Cao Cao alive, served as prime minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty, after Wei Wang, laid the foundation of Cao Wei Liguo. After the death of posthumous title for the King Wu. His son Cao Pi emperor, chasing respect for the emperor, the temple Taizu.

Cao Cao fine art, good poetry, to express their political aspirations, and reflect the suffering of the people at the end of the life, the magnificent spirit, generous sad; prose is also clean and tidy, open and prosper the Jian'an literature, to future generations left a valuable spirit Wealth, known as Jian'an wind, Lu Xun evaluation of its “transformation of the founder of the article.” At the same time Cao Cao is also good at calligraphy, Tang Zhang Huai in the “book off” will Cao Cao's chapter as “wonderful”.


Huang Huai River Basin in the Eastern Han Dynasty warlord melee in the social economy was unprecedented destruction, the people were Tu, land barren, survivors were forced to leave their homes, living in the other side. Can be described as “the name is empty and not home, hundred miles no people who can not count,” “Bone exposed in the wild, thousands of miles without chicken Ming.” In the face of this tragic scene, when Cao Cao lived a series of policies to restore the economy and stabilize the situation. From the performance of Cao Cao in political, military and economic aspects, such as the implementation of reclamation, the construction of water conservancy, the implementation of salt and iron official sales system, the socio-economic recovery and economic rectification played a positive role.


Punish tyrannical

Cao Cao began to take the career on the attempt to use more stringent laws to change the situation at the time of the rampant. As a result of the disaster in the central, Cao can not display their own intentions. To his own control of the regime, only to fully implement the suppression of the tyrannical rule of law policy. He said: “husband and punishment, the people of the life also”; “chaos of the government, to the first sentence.” He used Wang Xiu, Sima Zhi, Yang Pei, Lu Qian, full of pet, Jia Kui and other local officials, to suppress the lawless tyrannical. If Yuan Shao and Cao Cao in Jizhou has been practiced to compare the rule, you can see two different situations: “Han at the end of politics in the wide, Shao to wide wide, it is not.” Yuan Shao in the wide and vertical policy, “so that Haoqiang unauthorized, relatives and mergers, the poor people under the poor, on behalf of the rental Fu, Hyun Qiang family wealth, lack of life.” In this way, naturally can not make “people attached, armor strong.” So Yuan Shao, although the larger, more soldiers, food more foot, and ultimately Cao defeated. Cao was Jizhou, immediately “heavy and powerful merger of the law”, which received the “people happy” effect. Sima Guang said Cao “chaos for the rule”, is not without evidence.

Stabilize the situation

Han Xian emperor was the West Liangjun fight, the state state of animal husbandry are fighting soldiers self-reliance, cut off tribute. The situation in China as a whole is the separatist separatism and the warlord. In this crisis, Cao Cao hijacked the dead end of the emperor, moved the capital Xuchang, with force to tie the north of the pack, trying to unify China, played a stable role in the Eastern Han Dynasty government affairs.

Only is the move

Han period selection of officials, the choice of both people should have justice and filial piety and other aspects of moral integrity, but also a noble family background.

Cao Cao employment is not heavy reputation, he chose officials to “express justice”, to the rule of law. With Cui Yan, Mao Yu in charge of the election, “its use, are clear people, although the prestigious and not help the line, the end did not get into.” To frugal, by the people of the world Section of self-encouragement, although your pet of the minister, the public service not too “. Social atmosphere has improved.

For the maintenance and development of forces, so that more people for their own business services, not subject to the above restrictions, stressed that ”only is the move.“ As long as talented, even if the lack of feudal moral quality, born under the people, he also pay attention to promotion. 210 years to 217 years, he has three times under the ”mercy order“, the selection and appointment of some talented people. To break the concept of the door of the family, to the landlord class middle and lower class characters, to suppress tyranny, to strengthen the centralization. The socio-economic areas of the ruling areas have been restored and developed.

Shang Li heavy law

Cao Cao's thought is influenced by Confucianism, its foundation belongs to the category of Confucianism, Shang Renyi comity, and try to justice, morality, comity and education and administration, that is, ”etiquette ceremony.“ On the other hand, Cao Cao heavy law still surgery, torture law, history is very clear, which constitutes another important side of Cao Cao's thinking. This is the ”appropriation for the first“. So, Cao Cao's thought is a contradictory unity. In the chaos of the Cao Cao both stressed the criminal law, did not forget the use of etiquette. He always rude and heavy law, both hands use, and both in the ceremony, both hands with the show in the unique deceitful fraud can.


Unified north

Cao Cao skilled in the art of war, played a positive role in the unity of the North, the Yellow River after the uprising, the disintegration of the Eastern Han Dynasty, warlord melee. In the melee, not only Dong Zhuo, Li and other Liangzhou warlords everywhere slaughter the people, robbery of property, which generally appeared ”people eat, state depression“ desolate scene. From the beginning of two years (191 years) to Jian'an thirteen years (208 years), Cao Cao has eliminated the north and south of the Yangtze River separatist forces, unified most of northern China. Cao Cao in the reunification of the northern war lasted 17 years, is the battle of the founding of Cao Wei, and later for the Western China unified China laid a solid foundation.

Proficient in art

Cao Cao studied art of war, a profound military theory, has been familiar with Sun Wu, Wu Qi and other writers of the previous generation of military writers, in the study of the basis of their martial arts, written as ”Bingbushuji“ a book, combined with their own experience to discuss the war. Written by the ”grandson slightly solution“, to create a note ”Sun Tzu“ thirteen precedent, rich and the development of ancient Chinese military theory. Advocated ”soldiers to Yi moving“ concept of war, stressed that the famous teacher, in line with morality. In the strategic and tactical flexibility, because of things surprising, any success, soldiers tirelessly.

Rule the military strict

In the military side, he governed the military strict, strict laws and regulations, one on the march on the way, Cao Cao will not be allowed to trample on the wheat field, if any violation, all beheaded. Soldiers are dismounting, for fear of bad wheat seedlings. Can be Cao Cao's horses because of fear of stepping on the wheat field. He cut his sword cut off a lot of hair, to show punishment, which shows law enforcement seriously. ”Code of the military Code“ included in the ”Wei Wu Jun order“, ”Wei Wu boat war“, ”Wei Wu step war“ and so on, but also reflects his strict military orders.

In the use of the military, the history of his ”marching teacher, much more than Sun Wu of the law, and because of things odd, the enemy of the enemy to win, change as God. Self for military books more than ten thousand words, Zhujiang conquest, are new books, And in the series of fighting, often used to attack the West, to avoid the virtual, ambush, outflanking, and so on, in the case of Lu Bu, Zhang Xiu, Yuan Shao, Ma Chao, Han Sui and a series of fighting, Raid, from the room, robbing food, attack him to save this, to lure the enemy and other tactics, rivalry enemy wins, weakened strong. He is indeed a very outstanding military strategist. Li Jing's “Li Weigong asked right”, where the non-“Dr. He prepared” and other works are praised Cao Cao's march.

Care for the future

In the Royal will, Cao Cao in the ban, music into the line between the array, take Zhang Liao, Xu Huang in the death of the prisoner, are Zuo Li meritorious service, as a star. Cao Cao can be based on the characteristics of generals, with its long. For example, Xu Chu, Code Wei strong and powerful, loyalty to the law, Cao Cao let them war for the army, the situation is the body of the body; Zang Pa has the letter in the East soil, Cao Cao will be green, Xu two state entrusted to him, which can concentrate on Yuan Shao, do not have to look at the East; down the text of the text is Liu table account under the generals, in Jianghan area quite Wei En, Cao Cao Ren Jiangxia Prefecture, commissioned by side, so Royal Sun Quan.


Implementation of the field

Between Han and Wei, social production suffered serious damage, the emergence of famine. During this period, the supply of food became the biggest problem of military groups, because of insufficient rations and invincible. Cao Cao in the north, the construction of water conservancy, to solve the problem of lack of grain, agricultural production has a certain role in the recovery.

Jian'an the first year, Cao Cao adopted only the proposal of jujube, the use of broken gold scarf seized the material, in the promise of raising people in the field, then see the results, So Cao Cao ordered the state in the county set up Tian Guan, set up in the field.

The implementation of the system is to ensure that the state investment, reproduction efficiency, of course, higher than the ordinary farmers. So a short period of time will be the place into a “farmer soldiers field, the sound of dogs and dogs, terraced rice paddies,” the thriving, called it a big initiative is not excessive.

Tou Tian effectively solve the Cao Cao Group's food problem, so Cao Cao said: “Then the field, so rich country, destroy the group against, grams of the world.” While setting up the garrison, Cao Cao took various measures to support the farmer's economy. In view of the current population loss, the situation of barren land, Cao Cao has to take the flow of migrant workers, migrant population, to persuade farmers mulberry, water conservancy, household registration and other measures, enrich the households, to restore agricultural production. In addition, Cao Cao has also promulgated laws and regulations, to restore the normal rent system to prevent the tyrannical small farmers. Jian'an five years, Cao Cao promulgated a new collection system, to Jian'an nine years, but also clear: “the income of four acres of land, households out of silk two, cotton two pounds only, he was not good at hair.” Cao Cao before and after the implementation of This series of measures, so that the brink of collapse of the farmer's economy has been restored and developed. This has become a solid economic foundation of Cao Cao Group. Cao Cao ruling area of agricultural production quickly restored. This is Cao Cao in the economy a great success.

Reform household registration

Cao Cao in the break Ye City, in view of the late Eastern Han Dynasty heavy head tax, to households modulation, the landowners (including farmers and landlords) income per mu for four liters, each household out of silk two, “This policy has greatly reduced the burden on the peasants and has received unanimous support.”

Water conservancy

Cao Cao in the world to vigorously build water conservancy facilities and fruitful, such as Zhou Yu's home in the establishment of the seven city of Shuang San Yan has been to the Northern Song Dynasty Song Renzong can also be poured twenty thousand per day of fertile land.

To promote cleanliness

Open source at the same time, Cao Cao is also very attention to throttling, and set an example, to promote clean. History book called Cao Cao “elegant frugality, bad gorgeous, the palace is not beautiful, Shi Yu Fu Fuji, curtains screen, the bad is satisfied that the production temperature, no edge decoration.” Simply put, clothes do not Flowers and whistles, shoes have not carved embroidery color, curtain curtain screen full of patches, bed couch “foul of them.” Cao Cao's vigorous correction, the Eastern Han Dynasty since the luxury of the wind twisted, the world's people are honest and diligent self-discipline. Even if the dignitaries are not too much extravagant extravagance, and even some people deliberately worn old clothes to please Cao Cao's strange things.

Jian'an fourteen years, Cao Cao in turn had to order to correct this strange unhealthy tendencies. Cao Cao's will, but also reflects his own frugal style: “The world is not yet stable, not follow the ancient also. Burying, are in addition to service.” The soldiers are garrison, are not from Tuen Department. Convergence to the service, no possession of jade treasures. “In contrast, Sun Quan's old age is faint confused. Sun Quan in the prince of the waste of the Hu is more confused by the ministers were confused, has become a laughing stock.


Collection of books

Cao Cao loves grave code and six arts. In the unification of the north of the melee, pay attention to the protection and collection of books. Jian'an five years (200 years) he defeated Yuan Shao later, ordered ”to collect their baggage treasures.“ After Wei Gong, set up in charge of classics officials, widely collected in the war scattered in the Eastern Han Dynasty official and folk books, ”taboo death“, hidden in the three foreign and secretary of the province. Also asked Cai Yong's daughter Cai Wenji talk about their books, Cai Wenji ”Shuji sent to the text without error.“ Because of his emphasis on the country's cultural construction, and gradually established the country's collection of Wei.


Cao Cao received Taiping Road, asked five bucket of meters Road forces, centralized control of alchemists, and even ”relying on the emperor“, the purpose of all in the dark ”fate“. Cao Cao's life by the ”fate in my“ Wei's great cause of sanctification, with the first year of the first year by Cao Pi was acquired by Zen. From the rise of Cao Cao forces and even the Han and Wei Zen generation, during which many major historical events and the original Taoism involved deep.



Jian'an twenty-one years (216 years) in April, Han Xian emperor booked Cao Cao Wei Wang. In July, the Southern Huns alone in the call kitchen spring to greet him, was detained in Ye City, Cao Cao took the opportunity to divide the Southern Huns into five, the election of the Chinese people to supervise the Sima.


The Eastern Han Dynasty, Wuhuan (also known as ”Karasuma“) to occupy the western Liaoning, on the valley, right North Ping three counties, their respective king, often infested north four states, ”to kill officials.“ Wu Huan treadton total three princes, with Yuan Shao is better, had to help Yuan Gong off Gongsun Zan. Guandu after the war, Yuan Shao returned to Jizhou soon died, and his son Yuan Shang, Yuan Xi and defected Wuhuan treadton. Cao Cao North Zheng Wuhuan, completely from the strategic needs. It is necessary to completely eliminate the Yuan forces, but also unified three counties. White wolf mountain a war, Cao Jun victory, and Wu Huan prisoners to more than 10 million of the Han Chinese and quiet, and the two states of Wuhuan million ”down (Uhuan hukou grassroots units)“ moved to the mainland. And promote the gradual integration of Wuhuan people with the Han nationality, which has a positive effect on consolidating the social order in the north and making the people's production and life stable.


Cao Cao alive also advocated too burial.


Cao Cao on literature, calligraphy, music and so have deep cultivation. Author of ”grandson slightly solution“, ”Bingbing then“ ”Meng Dexin book“ and other books. Good poetry, ”Artemisia“, ”view of the sea“, ”turtle though life“ and so express their political ambitions, and reflect the end of the people suffering life, magnificent, generous desolate, his literary achievements, the main table today's poetry, Prose is also very characteristic.

Cao Cao's poetry, this deposit more than 20 articles, all Yuefu poetry body. Content can be divided into three categories. One is related to current affairs, one is to express the ideal-based, one is immortal poetry.

And the current affairs of a certain relationship with the ”lotus exposed line“, ”Artemisia line“, ”bitter cold line“, ”step out of the summer line“ and so on. ”Xi Lu line“, ”Artemisia line“ two poems, for the early years of Jian'an. Before a reflection of He Jinmou punish eunuchs defeated, Dong Zhuo into Luoyang chaos; after a writing Kanto state of the county to discuss the soldiers, but also with ambition, mutual kill, in the content to tighten to undertake. Psalms in a concise language, highly summed up to write this period of historical process, so known as ”the end of the Ming Dynasty, the history of true poetry.“ In particular, in the poem ”Artemisia“ in his poetic style, he wrote the majority of the people in the war suffered by the deep suffering: ”armor Health 虮 lice, million people to death, bones exposed to wild, thousands of miles without From the Jian'an eleven years, the poem describes the winter Taihang mountain cold, barren, steep, vivid, but also write the poet's inner Complex feelings. “Step out of the summer line” for Jian'an twelve years when the three counties Wuhuan. The poem includes “Yan” (prelude) and four solutions. “Yan” focused on the poet set off when the complex mood. One solution “view of the sea”, written into the military through the Tateishi when the perception; two solutions “winter October”, three solutions “different soil”, write homework on the way; four solutions “turtle though life”, write this important battle After the victory of the ideological activities. Which “view of the sea” describes the sea scene, “autumn bleak, Hong Bo filled, the sun and the moon trip, if out of which; star Han brilliant, if out of it”, magnificent, dignified, against the background of the poet inclusive of the universe, throughput The sun and the moon broad mind. “Tortoise Shou” to a series of vivid metaphor, the expression of the poet's view of life and career: “old and stable, aiming for thousands of miles, martyrs old age, heart endless.” This is the poet to implement a lifelong positive and enterprising spirit of the true confession.

To express the ideal of the poem “degree off the mountain”, “wine”, “short song” and so on. The first two write political ideals. He thought of peace and prosperity is the Confucianism and law mining, Enwei and the use of the virtuous governor of politics. Which in the context of the social destruction of the social background, is undoubtedly a progressive significance. “Short song” is the theme of seeking Yin, “the mountain tire of high, the sea did not tired of deep, Zhou Bo spit feeding, the world heart” and other verses, to express mercy thirsty, 广纳 talent to Ji as its great cause mood.

In the artistic style, Cao Cao poetry simple, not algae decorated. They are deeply emotional, calm and sung to win. In the poetic mood, then generous sad for its characteristics. Generous sad, this is the common tone of Jian'an literature, but in Cao Cao's poems, it is the most typical performance, the most prominent. In the poetic genre, Cao Cao's Yuefu poems do not copy Han Yuefu regulations, but the development. Such as “Xi Lu line”, “Artemisia line”, in the Han Yuefu are elegy, he used the old lyrics to describe the new content. Cao Cao opened a tradition to write the current affairs of Yuefu, far-reaching impact. Jian'an writers and from the Northern and Southern Dynasties until the Tang Dynasty many poets, they intend to make a large number of Yuefu poems, can be said that this tradition of inheritance and development.

Cao Cao's achievements in literature, but also in his Jian'an literature (see Jian'an seven children) from the constructive role, Jian'an literature can be in the long war, social disruptive background to flourish, with his attention and promote Not open Liu Xie in the discussion of the reasons for the prosperity of Jian'an literature, once pointed out that “Wei Wu to Wang Zhizhen, Ya love poetry.” In fact, the main writer of Jian'an period, there is no close relationship with him. Cao Pi, Cao Zhi is his son, “seven children” and Cai Yan, also have to shelter in his shade. It can be said that the “Ye Xia literati group” is formed on the basis of the material conditions he provides; and their creation is carried out under the influence of his advocacy.

In addition, Cao Cao, there are many other articles handed down, such as “please add Guojia Fengyi table”, “let the county from the Ming Ben order”, “and Wang Xiu book”, “worship the so-called bridge mystery” Simple, emotional, fluency really.

Cao Cao works, according to Qing Yao Zhenzong “Three Kingdoms” research, there are “Wei Wu Di set” 30 volumes recorded 1 volumes, “Bing Shu” 13 volumes and so on more than ten species, and more has been lost, this deposit is only “grandson note.” Ming Zhang Pu series scattered see poetry, text and other 145 as “Wei Wu emperor set”, income “Han Wei and Six Dynasties hundred sets” in. Ding Fu Bao “Han Wei and Six Dynasties Masters” also “Wei Wu Emperor set”, the collection of works slightly more than Zhang Pu series. In 1959, the Chinese bookstore according to Ding Fu Bao, a little finishing supplement, into the “grandson note”, and attached to the “Wei Zhi Wu Di Ji”, “Cao Lun chronology” and so on, re-printed as “Cao Cao set.”


Cao Cao is a generation of calligraphers are little known, this is mainly Cao Cao handed down the calligraphy works less reason. “Book of the Tang Dynasty,” said: “opera, such as golden flowers, all over the exquisite, Jing Yu sub-Hui, Yao if the Cape charm.”

West Jin Sagong Zhang Hua in the “Museum” said: “Han Shi, Anping Cui Yuan, Yuan Zi 寔, Hong Nong Zhang Zhi, Chi Chi Chang and cursive, and Taizu Ya.

Southern calligraphy critics Yu Yuwu in his ”book“, the ancient celebrity calligraphy works are divided into: the upper, middle and lower three products, each product is divided into upper, middle and lower, a total of nine products; Of the calligraphy works included in the middle of the goods, called ”Li Mo Xiongzhao.“ Tang Dynasty calligrapher and commentator Zhang Huai-chen, according to the ancient calligrapher's artistic achievements, they are divided into God, wonderful, can be three categories: Jialite out of God, the use of fine for the wonderful, ; He was in the calligraphy commentary monograph ”book off“ in that Cao Cao ”You Gong Zhang grass, male Yuen“, its chapter grass works as wonderful. In view of this, Cao Cao's calligraphy works can not be classified as god goods, top grade, but in the national calligraphy home is a few.

There are historical records, he was often in addition to the famous calligrapher: Zhong Yao, Liang Hu, Handan Chun, Wei birthday, grandson Jing and others to learn from the calligraphy, but also to the favorite secretary of the words of Liang Hu in the account , Try to figure out, appreciate; sometimes sleep at night, then they slowly taste, pondering nail full of words Lianghu. Not only that, Wei Gong plaque he let Liang Hu write, you can say are all down. He and Zhong Yao between there is a little-known story: Zhong Yao dumping his life to the calligraphy career, when Cao Cao learned that Zhong Yao for the big calligrapher Cai Yong left to the birth of a book on the monograph , Refused to gas and hate blood vomiting more than when he was his own dedicated Wuling Dan took Zhong Yao to take.

Cao Cao is a good book, probably because of busy fighting, political affairs, no chance to write, so he spread the ink in the world very little.

Song Zhengqiao in the book ”Annals Golden Stone“, only included Cao Cao wrote a ”monument to the monument“; Ming Yang Shen in the ”Dan lead“, it is only said that when the Yuan Dynasty Cao Cao wrote ” In the “Jinshi recorded”, Cao Cao in Wuchang “Yellow Crane Tower” side has written a large, cold and angry, is the book “flood platform” three words. Is retained in the world only two words, and that Cao Cao in the levy Hanzhong, written in the stone gate south of a large stone on the “Dagon snow” word, now moved into the Hanzhong Museum. Bozhou “Cao Cao underground transport road” where to see the “dun snow” word, according to Tuoben engraved; above two official script small word “Wei Wang”, because of the title, but also blurred, The question.



“Centennial loneliness” is the representative of the Colombian writer Garcia Marquez, but also Latin American magic realist literature masterpiece, known as “the reproduction of Latin American history and social picture of the great masterpiece.” The works depict the legend of the seven generations of the Bournemia family and the centuries of decline in the Caribbean town of Macondo, reflecting the ever-changing history of Latin America over the centuries. Works into the myths and legends, folk tales, religious allusions and other mysterious factors, cleverly blend of reality and fantasy, showing a magnificent imagination of the world, become the 20th century, one of the most important classic literary masterpiece.


Family first generation

José Alcatio Bundia is a descendant of the Spaniards, living in an Indian village away from the beach.

When he was married to Ursula, he was afraid to wear a long tail child like aunt and his uncle, and Ursula was wearing a special tights every night and refused to interced with her husband, so he was ridiculed by the villagers. José Alcatio Bunndia killed a Prussian de Achilar after a cockroition victory. Since then, the ghost of the dead often appear in his eyes. Ghosts that painful and desolate eyes, so that he can not peace day and night. So Jose Alcatio Bundia family with friends and their families to leave the village, go out to find shelter, after more than two years of trek, came to a beach, due to the dream of the decision to settle Down, the establishment of villages and towns, which is Ma Kondo. The history of the Bournemia family began in the history of Macondo. José Alcatio Bournemia is a very creative person. He saw the magnets from the Gypsies, and wanted to use it to mine the gold; see the magnifying glass focus on the sun, and try to develop a powerful weapon; get the spectator and six points from the gypsies Instrument, through experiments to recognize that “the earth is round, like oranges.” He is dissatisfied with his backward life. He complained to his wife, “There are incredible things happening in the world, next to us, there are many kinds of magical machines on the other side of the river, but we still live here like a donkey.” Because the horseshoe hidden in the wide swamp, isolated. He was determined to open up a path to connect Ma Kondo with the great inventions of the outside world. He took a gang of people overcoming more than two weeks, but failed to end. He said painfully: “Let us no longer go anywhere, we will live here rotten, can not enjoy the benefits of science.” Later he was obsessed with alchemy and kept himself in the lab all day. Because of his spiritual world and Ma Kondo narrow, backward, conservative reality out of tune, he fell into loneliness can not extricate themselves, so that mental disorders, was tied to a tree family, a few decades later in the tree On the dead. Ursula became the pillar of the family, died between the ages of 115 to 122 years old.

Family second generation

The second generation of the Bournemia family was two men and one woman: the boss José Alcatio was born on the way to Macondo, who grew up on the road, as stubborn as his father, but without his father The imagination; he and a woman named Pilal Ternera pass, with a child, but in a gypsy to Ma Kondo performance with a gypsy girl in love, so he chose And then he came back, but the temperament of uncertainty. Finally, regardless of family opposition, and Rebecca married, but was driven out of the house, and finally shot at home.

The second older Oregory was born in the Macon, in the mother's belly will cry, with open eyes, born with early foreshadowing ability, juvenile like a father as taciturn, all day buried in his father's laboratory Do little goldfish. Grew up and fell in love with Ma Kondo Liqian daughter young Lei Mei Dai Si, before that, he and his brother's lover had a son, named Aureliano Jose. His beautiful wife with twins was killed by Amaranta. Later he participated in the civil war, when the colonel. He suffered 14 assassinations, 73 ambush and a shooting, all survived, when he realized that the war is meaningless, they signed a peace treaty with the government to stop the war, and then aimed at the heart of the shot But he was miraculously survived. And 17 foreign women cohabitation, gave birth to 17 boys. These boys later invariably back to the Macon more roots, but was killed, a week later, only the boss survived. Aureliano old home, daily alchemy for small goldfish, do two every day, when 25 will be put into the crucible melting, to do it again. He lived like a father, isolated, lonely, until death.

The third is the daughter of Amaranta, fell in love with the Italian piano technician Pietro, in the rival Rebecca to abandon the Italian and Jose Alcatio after marriage with the Italians, but refused to marry with the Italians , The Italians committed suicide. Because of regret, she deliberately burned a hand, life with a black bandage wrapped around, determined never married. But she felt unusually lonely, depressed, and even just adult nephews together, want to use this as a “temporary treatment of treatment.” However, she has always been unable to get rid of the inner loneliness, she put herself in the room all day sewing clothes, sewn, split, until the last moment of life.

The third generation of the family

The third generation was only the son of José Alcatiano, Alcatio and the son of Ore Regiano, Ore Regio Jose. The former do not know who for the mother, actually frantically love his mother, almost lead to a big mistake. But by the introduction of the mother, fell in love with the Sauta Sophia de la Pieta, and later became the Ma Gangduo never had the tyrant, corrupt, and finally the conservative army shot. The latter is too mature, love their own aunt Amaranda, because can not be satisfied and into loneliness, so join the army. After entering the army is still unable to distract the aunt's love, they went to seek prostitutes to seek comfort, in order to get rid of loneliness, and ultimately died in the chaos.

Fourth generation of family

The fourth generation is Alcatelio and his wife Sanda Sophia de la Pieda gave birth to a woman and two men. Daughter of the beautiful children Lei Mei Daisi charming, exudes a disturbing smell, this smell had a few men put to death. She did not wear clothes, set a bag, but do not want to waste time on the clothes. This unique girl thing hole clear, alright outside, and finally magically clinging to a white bed of the wind away, forever disappeared in the air.

Her two younger brother Alcatiano II and Ore Regiano are the second twins. Alcazio second in the banana company run by the Americans when the supervisor, to encourage workers to strike, to become a labor leader. Later, he led more than three thousand workers strike, was the suppression of military and police, more than three thousand people only one person spared. He witnessed the government with the train to the workers' bodies transported to the sea thrown into the sea, and through the radio announced the workers temporarily transferred to work elsewhere. Alcázio said that the massacre he had witnessed revealed the truth, and that he was considered unconscious. He was so disappointed that he kept himself in the house and studied the ruffian manuscripts left by the Roma, and stayed in the room until he died.

Aurelianuo second no proper career, all day long indulge in wine, abandoned his wife Fernando disregard, in the mistress Petra home sixty. The strange thing is that whenever he lives with his mistress, his family's livestock breeds quickly and gives him wealth, and once returned to his wife, He and his wife had two women and a man, and finally in the pain with Alcatelia second died at the same time, from birth to death, people have not recognized who their brothers and children who is who.

Fifth generation of family

The fifth generation of the Bournemia family is the second female and female of Ore Riano, the eldest son of José Alcatio, who was sent to the Roman seminary to study, and the mother wanted him to be a bishop, But he was not interested in it, but for the imaginary heritage, only to deceive his mother said he was studying at the seminary. After the mother died, he went home by the seller industry for a living. After the discovery of Ursula hidden in the cellar of more than 7,000 gold coins, from living a more debauchery life, and soon was robbed of gold coins criminals to kill.

Eldest daughter Reina Terry Dai (silk) fell in love with the banana company garage mechanic Ma Uli Xiao Babylon, the mother forbids them from, they had to secretly meet in the bathroom, the mother found her daughter to go out And asked the bodyguard to keep at home. Ma Uli Shaw Babylon climbed the roof of the plum home, the result was a bodyguard hit the back, all day sick in bed, was as a stealing chicken thief, lonely old age. Meimei despair. Her mother that the family is not Yang, will be pregnant with her sent to the monastery, life without a word made.

The little daughter, Amalanda Ursula, went to school in Brussels early years, where she met with the pilot Garthone, and returned to Mecondo to see a wither and determined to reorganize her home. She is vibrant and energetic, and her home is new in just three months. Her arrival, so that the emergence of a most special people, her mood is better than the family of people, she wanted all the stereotypes into the eighteen layers of hell. She decided to settle down to save the disaster of the villages and towns.

Family sixth generation

The sixth generation of the Bournemia home is the bastard of Omei, He grew up in loneliness after he was born. His only hobby is to hide all kinds of mysterious books and manuscripts in the room of the Gypsy Mercure Yades. He was able to talk to the old Gypsy Mercure, who had died for many years and was instructed to learn Sanskrit. He has been indifferent to the surrounding world, but the medieval knowledge is well aware of. He and José Alcátzo refused to take the only surviving boss of the 17 sons of Oreiriano, who killed the man who had been killed. He fell in love with his aunt Amaranta Ursula and had an incestuous relationship, even though they were tortured with loneliness and love, but they thought they were the happiest people in the world. Later Amaranda Ursula gave birth to a boy: “He was born in the hundred years of the only Ennei because of love and fetus baby”, but he actually had a pig tail. Amaranta Ursula also died due to postpartum hemorrhage.

The boy of the long tail is the seventh heir of the Bunndia family. He was born to be eaten by a group of ants. When Aureliano Bournemia saw the son of a small piece of leather that was eaten by ants, he finally deciphered the manuscript of Melchiace. The title of the manuscript is: “The first person in the family will be tied to the tree, the last person in the family is being eaten by ants.” It turned out that this manuscript is the history of the Bournemia family The At the moment of his final chapter, a sudden hurricane scratched the whole town from the earth, and the village was gone forever.


From 1830 to the late nineteenth century 70 years, the Colombian civil war erupted dozens of times, so that hundreds of thousands were killed. The book to great lengths to describe the facts in this regard, and focus demonstrated by the career of the legendary hero of the book. The hypocrisy of politicians, rulers cruel, and ignorant people blindly etc. are vividly written. Writers with vivid strokes, depicting the distinctive character of many characters, depicting a lonely spirit of this family. In this family, between husband and wife, between father and son, between mother and daughter, between brothers and sisters, no emotional communication, lack of trust and understanding. Although many people have done a lot of hard exploration to break the loneliness, but because they can not find an effective way to unify the power of the scattered, and finally ended in failure. This kind of loneliness is not only filled in the Bournemia family and the town of Ma Kondo, but also infiltrated the narrow mind, a hindrance to the national up, the national progress of a large burden.

Writers write this in the hope that the Latin American people to unite and work together to get rid of loneliness. Therefore, the “lonely lonely” in the lonely sense of loneliness, its main content should be the entire suffering of Latin America is excluded from the process of modern civilization in the process of resentment and protest, is the writer in Latin America for nearly a hundred years of history , As well as the continent of the people of the unique vitality, survival, imagination to carry out a unique study after the formation of stubborn self-confidence. This ancient family, once under the impact of the new civilization, struggled to go out to find a new world, despite fear and retreat, but they still abandoned the traditional coat, hoping to integrate into the world. But alien civilization in a aggressive attitude to swallow the family, so they are in such an open civilized world continued “a hundred years alone.” The author expresses a spiritual state of loneliness to criticize outsiders for a spiritual dimension of the Latin American continent, as well as Western civilization discrimination and exclusion in Latin America. “Everything recorded in the parchment manuscript will never be reproduced, and the family of the lonely year is destined not to appear for the second time on the earth.” The author expresses his deep resentment with the end of a destruction.

Marquez published in 1967, “Hundred Years of loneliness”, won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982. In today's fast-food reading popular times, recounting “a hundred years of loneliness”, people will once again “found” classic literary masterpieces of immortal charm, rethink the cultural heritage, mutual Kam and blend proposition. In the world of literary masters of the world, Marquez and his masterpiece, for the new era of Chinese writers and Chinese cultural circles, has an indelible memory.



In ancient times the “On the eve of Autumn Twilight” practices. On the eve of that worship Goddess. Set large incense table, put the moon cake, watermelons, apples, dates, plums, grapes other offerings, moon cake and watermelon is definitely not small. Also cut into the lotus-shaped watermelon. Under the month, the moon god on the moon that direction, Candle high burning the whole family followed by worship the moon, then the charge of the housewife cut happy moon cake. Pre-cut people who count the number of good family, at home, in the field should count together, can not cut more and no cut less the same size.



“秋夕” 是全家团圆以及为祖先祭祀扫墓的日子。我去过我一个韩国朋友家见过他们过中秋节。 比较隆重有盛大的祭祀活动。韩国的“中秋节”重视程度等同于我们的“春节”。他们的“秋夕”比我们的“中秋节”过的隆重。






江南一带的民间在中秋节人习俗也是多种多样。南京人中秋爱吃月饼外,必吃金陵名菜桂花鸭。“桂花鸭”于桂子飘香之时应市,肥而不腻,味美可口。酒后必食一小糖芋头,浇以桂浆,美不待言。“桂浆”,取名自屈原《楚辞·少司命》“援北方闭兮酌桂浆”。桂浆,一名糖桂花,中秋前后采摘,用糖及酸梅腌制而成。江南妇女手巧,把诗中的咏物,变为桌上佳肴。 南京人合家赏月称“庆团圆”,团坐聚饮叫“圆月”,出游街市称“走月”。








Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country. In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring. All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed. Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today. The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years. Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. But as cooking varies withfamilies and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird. Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year' s bounty and reverently ask for continued blessings.




the first international women’s day

in 1869 british mp john stuart mill was the first person in parliament to call for women’s right to vote. on 19 september 1893 new zealand became the first country in the world to give women the right to vote. women in other countries did not enjoy this equality and campaigned for justice for many years.

in 1910 a second international conference of working women was held in copenhagen. a woman named clara zetkin (leader of the ‘women’s office’ for the social democratic party in germany) tabled the idea of an international women’s day. she proposed that every year in every country there should be a celebration on the same day - a women’s day - to press for their demands. the conference of over 100 women from 17 countries, representing unions, socialist parties, working women’s clubs, and including the first three women elected to the finnish parliament, greeted zetkin’s suggestion with unanimous approval and thus international women’s day was the result.


Cao Cao (155 - March 15, 220), the word Mengde, a Geely, small word hiding, Pei country Qiao County (now Anhui Bozhou) people. The late Eastern Han Dynasty outstanding politicians, military strategists, writers, calligraphers, the three countries in the founder of the regime.

The Eastern Han Dynasty, the world chaos, Cao Cao to the name of the emperor in the name of the Quartet, the internal elimination of two Yuan, Lu Bu, Liu table, Ma Chao, Han Sui and other separatist forces, external surrender Southern Huns, Wuhuan, Xianbei, unified in northern China, and The implementation of a series of policies to restore economic production and social order, to expand the garrison, to build water conservancy, reward agriculture, mulberry, pay attention to handicraft industry, resettlement of exile, the implementation of “rent modulation”, so that the Central Plains society gradually stabilized, the economy turned. The Yellow River basin under the rule of Cao Cao, the political level of a certain degree of Qingming, the gradual recovery of the economy, class oppression slightly reduced, the social atmosphere has improved. Cao Cao in the name of the Han Dynasty to take some of the measures have a positive effect. Cao Cao alive, served as prime minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty, after Wei Wang, laid the foundation of Cao Wei Liguo. After the death of posthumous title for the King Wu. His son Cao Pi emperor, chasing respect for the emperor, the temple Taizu.

Cao Cao fine art, good poetry, to express their political aspirations, and reflect the suffering of the people at the end of the life, the magnificent spirit, generous sad; prose is also clean and tidy, open and prosper the Jian'an literature, to future generations left a valuable spirit Wealth, known as Jian'an wind, Lu Xun evaluation of its “transformation of the founder of the article.” At the same time Cao Cao is also good at calligraphy, Tang Zhang Huai in the “book off” will Cao Cao's chapter as “wonderful”.


Huang Huai River Basin in the Eastern Han Dynasty warlord melee in the social economy was unprecedented destruction, the people were Tu, land barren, survivors were forced to leave their homes, living in the other side. Can be described as “the name is empty and not home, hundred miles no people who can not count,” “Bone exposed in the wild, thousands of miles without chicken Ming.” In the face of this tragic scene, when Cao Cao lived a series of policies to restore the economy and stabilize the situation. From the performance of Cao Cao in political, military and economic aspects, such as the implementation of reclamation, the construction of water conservancy, the implementation of salt and iron official sales system, the socio-economic recovery and economic rectification played a positive role.


Punish tyrannical

Cao Cao began to take the career on the attempt to use more stringent laws to change the situation at the time of the rampant. As a result of the disaster in the central, Cao can not display their own intentions. To his own control of the regime, only to fully implement the suppression of the tyrannical rule of law policy. He said: “husband and punishment, the people of the life also”; “chaos of the government, to the first sentence.” He used Wang Xiu, Sima Zhi, Yang Pei, Lu Qian, full of pet, Jia Kui and other local officials, to suppress the lawless tyrannical. If Yuan Shao and Cao Cao in Jizhou has been practiced to compare the rule, you can see two different situations: “Han at the end of politics in the wide, Shao to wide wide, it is not.” Yuan Shao in the wide and vertical policy, “so that Haoqiang unauthorized, relatives and mergers, the poor people under the poor, on behalf of the rental Fu, Hyun Qiang family wealth, lack of life.” In this way, naturally can not make “people attached, armor strong.” So Yuan Shao, although the larger, more soldiers, food more foot, and ultimately Cao defeated. Cao was Jizhou, immediately “heavy and powerful merger of the law”, which received the “people happy” effect. Sima Guang said Cao “chaos for the rule”, is not without evidence.

Stabilize the situation

Han Xian emperor was the West Liangjun fight, the state state of animal husbandry are fighting soldiers self-reliance, cut off tribute. The situation in China as a whole is the separatist separatism and the warlord. In this crisis, Cao Cao hijacked the dead end of the emperor, moved the capital Xuchang, with force to tie the north of the pack, trying to unify China, played a stable role in the Eastern Han Dynasty government affairs.

Only is the move

Han period selection of officials, the choice of both people should have justice and filial piety and other aspects of moral integrity, but also a noble family background.

Cao Cao employment is not heavy reputation, he chose officials to “express justice”, to the rule of law. With Cui Yan, Mao Yu in charge of the election, “its use, are clear people, although the prestigious and not help the line, the end did not get into.” To frugal, by the people of the world Section of self-encouragement, although your pet of the minister, the public service not too “. Social atmosphere has improved.

For the maintenance and development of forces, so that more people for their own business services, not subject to the above restrictions, stressed that ”only is the move.“ As long as talented, even if the lack of feudal moral quality, born under the people, he also pay attention to promotion. 210 years to 217 years, he has three times under the ”mercy order“, the selection and appointment of some talented people. To break the concept of the door of the family, to the landlord class middle and lower class characters, to suppress tyranny, to strengthen the centralization. The socio-economic areas of the ruling areas have been restored and developed.

Shang Li heavy law

Cao Cao's thought is influenced by Confucianism, its foundation belongs to the category of Confucianism, Shang Renyi comity, and try to justice, morality, comity and education and administration, that is, ”etiquette ceremony.“ On the other hand, Cao Cao heavy law still surgery, torture law, history is very clear, which constitutes another important side of Cao Cao's thinking. This is the ”appropriation for the first“. So, Cao Cao's thought is a contradictory unity. In the chaos of the Cao Cao both stressed the criminal law, did not forget the use of etiquette. He always rude and heavy law, both hands use, and both in the ceremony, both hands with the show in the unique deceitful fraud can.


Unified north

Cao Cao skilled in the art of war, played a positive role in the unity of the North, the Yellow River after the uprising, the disintegration of the Eastern Han Dynasty, warlord melee. In the melee, not only Dong Zhuo, Li and other Liangzhou warlords everywhere slaughter the people, robbery of property, which generally appeared ”people eat, state depression“ desolate scene. From the beginning of two years (191 years) to Jian'an thirteen years (208 years), Cao Cao has eliminated the north and south of the Yangtze River separatist forces, unified most of northern China. Cao Cao in the reunification of the northern war lasted 17 years, is the battle of the founding of Cao Wei, and later for the Western China unified China laid a solid foundation.

Proficient in art

Cao Cao studied art of war, a profound military theory, has been familiar with Sun Wu, Wu Qi and other writers of the previous generation of military writers, in the study of the basis of their martial arts, written as ”Bingbushuji“ a book, combined with their own experience to discuss the war. Written by the ”grandson slightly solution“, to create a note ”Sun Tzu“ thirteen precedent, rich and the development of ancient Chinese military theory. Advocated ”soldiers to Yi moving“ concept of war, stressed that the famous teacher, in line with morality. In the strategic and tactical flexibility, because of things surprising, any success, soldiers tirelessly.

Rule the military strict

In the military side, he governed the military strict, strict laws and regulations, one on the march on the way, Cao Cao will not be allowed to trample on the wheat field, if any violation, all beheaded. Soldiers are dismounting, for fear of bad wheat seedlings. Can be Cao Cao's horses because of fear of stepping on the wheat field. He cut his sword cut off a lot of hair, to show punishment, which shows law enforcement seriously. ”Code of the military Code“ included in the ”Wei Wu Jun order“, ”Wei Wu boat war“, ”Wei Wu step war“ and so on, but also reflects his strict military orders.

In the use of the military, the history of his ”marching teacher, much more than Sun Wu of the law, and because of things odd, the enemy of the enemy to win, change as God. Self for military books more than ten thousand words, Zhujiang conquest, are new books, And in the series of fighting, often used to attack the West, to avoid the virtual, ambush, outflanking, and so on, in the case of Lu Bu, Zhang Xiu, Yuan Shao, Ma Chao, Han Sui and a series of fighting, Raid, from the room, robbing food, attack him to save this, to lure the enemy and other tactics, rivalry enemy wins, weakened strong. He is indeed a very outstanding military strategist. Li Jing's “Li Weigong asked right”, where the non-“Dr. He prepared” and other works are praised Cao Cao's march.

Care for the future

In the Royal will, Cao Cao in the ban, music into the line between the array, take Zhang Liao, Xu Huang in the death of the prisoner, are Zuo Li meritorious service, as a star. Cao Cao can be based on the characteristics of generals, with its long. For example, Xu Chu, Code Wei strong and powerful, loyalty to the law, Cao Cao let them war for the army, the situation is the body of the body; Zang Pa has the letter in the East soil, Cao Cao will be green, Xu two state entrusted to him, which can concentrate on Yuan Shao, do not have to look at the East; down the text of the text is Liu table account under the generals, in Jianghan area quite Wei En, Cao Cao Ren Jiangxia Prefecture, commissioned by side, so Royal Sun Quan.


Implementation of the field

Between Han and Wei, social production suffered serious damage, the emergence of famine. During this period, the supply of food became the biggest problem of military groups, because of insufficient rations and invincible. Cao Cao in the north, the construction of water conservancy, to solve the problem of lack of grain, agricultural production has a certain role in the recovery.

Jian'an the first year, Cao Cao adopted only the proposal of jujube, the use of broken gold scarf seized the material, in the promise of raising people in the field, then see the results, So Cao Cao ordered the state in the county set up Tian Guan, set up in the field.

The implementation of the system is to ensure that the state investment, reproduction efficiency, of course, higher than the ordinary farmers. So a short period of time will be the place into a “farmer soldiers field, the sound of dogs and dogs, terraced rice paddies,” the thriving, called it a big initiative is not excessive.

Tou Tian effectively solve the Cao Cao Group's food problem, so Cao Cao said: “Then the field, so rich country, destroy the group against, grams of the world.” While setting up the garrison, Cao Cao took various measures to support the farmer's economy. In view of the current population loss, the situation of barren land, Cao Cao has to take the flow of migrant workers, migrant population, to persuade farmers mulberry, water conservancy, household registration and other measures, enrich the households, to restore agricultural production. In addition, Cao Cao has also promulgated laws and regulations, to restore the normal rent system to prevent the tyrannical small farmers. Jian'an five years, Cao Cao promulgated a new collection system, to Jian'an nine years, but also clear: “the income of four acres of land, households out of silk two, cotton two pounds only, he was not good at hair.” Cao Cao before and after the implementation of This series of measures, so that the brink of collapse of the farmer's economy has been restored and developed. This has become a solid economic foundation of Cao Cao Group. Cao Cao ruling area of agricultural production quickly restored. This is Cao Cao in the economy a great success.

Reform household registration

Cao Cao in the break Ye City, in view of the late Eastern Han Dynasty heavy head tax, to households modulation, the landowners (including farmers and landlords) income per mu for four liters, each household out of silk two, “This policy has greatly reduced the burden on the peasants and has received unanimous support.”

Water conservancy

Cao Cao in the world to vigorously build water conservancy facilities and fruitful, such as Zhou Yu's home in the establishment of the seven city of Shuang San Yan has been to the Northern Song Dynasty Song Renzong can also be poured twenty thousand per day of fertile land.

To promote cleanliness

Open source at the same time, Cao Cao is also very attention to throttling, and set an example, to promote clean. History book called Cao Cao “elegant frugality, bad gorgeous, the palace is not beautiful, Shi Yu Fu Fuji, curtains screen, the bad is satisfied that the production temperature, no edge decoration.” Simply put, clothes do not Flowers and whistles, shoes have not carved embroidery color, curtain curtain screen full of patches, bed couch “foul of them.” Cao Cao's vigorous correction, the Eastern Han Dynasty since the luxury of the wind twisted, the world's people are honest and diligent self-discipline. Even if the dignitaries are not too much extravagant extravagance, and even some people deliberately worn old clothes to please Cao Cao's strange things.

Jian'an fourteen years, Cao Cao in turn had to order to correct this strange unhealthy tendencies. Cao Cao's will, but also reflects his own frugal style: “The world is not yet stable, not follow the ancient also. Burying, are in addition to service.” The soldiers are garrison, are not from Tuen Department. Convergence to the service, no possession of jade treasures. “In contrast, Sun Quan's old age is faint confused. Sun Quan in the prince of the waste of the Hu is more confused by the ministers were confused, has become a laughing stock.


Collection of books

Cao Cao loves grave code and six arts. In the unification of the north of the melee, pay attention to the protection and collection of books. Jian'an five years (200 years) he defeated Yuan Shao later, ordered ”to collect their baggage treasures.“ After Wei Gong, set up in charge of classics officials, widely collected in the war scattered in the Eastern Han Dynasty official and folk books, ”taboo death“, hidden in the three foreign and secretary of the province. Also asked Cai Yong's daughter Cai Wenji talk about their books, Cai Wenji ”Shuji sent to the text without error.“ Because of his emphasis on the country's cultural construction, and gradually established the country's collection of Wei.


Cao Cao received Taiping Road, asked five bucket of meters Road forces, centralized control of alchemists, and even ”relying on the emperor“, the purpose of all in the dark ”fate“. Cao Cao's life by the ”fate in my“ Wei's great cause of sanctification, with the first year of the first year by Cao Pi was acquired by Zen. From the rise of Cao Cao forces and even the Han and Wei Zen generation, during which many major historical events and the original Taoism involved deep.



Jian'an twenty-one years (216 years) in April, Han Xian emperor booked Cao Cao Wei Wang. In July, the Southern Huns alone in the call kitchen spring to greet him, was detained in Ye City, Cao Cao took the opportunity to divide the Southern Huns into five, the election of the Chinese people to supervise the Sima.


The Eastern Han Dynasty, Wuhuan (also known as ”Karasuma“) to occupy the western Liaoning, on the valley, right North Ping three counties, their respective king, often infested north four states, ”to kill officials.“ Wu Huan treadton total three princes, with Yuan Shao is better, had to help Yuan Gong off Gongsun Zan. Guandu after the war, Yuan Shao returned to Jizhou soon died, and his son Yuan Shang, Yuan Xi and defected Wuhuan treadton. Cao Cao North Zheng Wuhuan, completely from the strategic needs. It is necessary to completely eliminate the Yuan forces, but also unified three counties. White wolf mountain a war, Cao Jun victory, and Wu Huan prisoners to more than 10 million of the Han Chinese and quiet, and the two states of Wuhuan million ”down (Uhuan hukou grassroots units)“ moved to the mainland. And promote the gradual integration of Wuhuan people with the Han nationality, which has a positive effect on consolidating the social order in the north and making the people's production and life stable.


Cao Cao alive also advocated too burial.


Cao Cao on literature, calligraphy, music and so have deep cultivation. Author of ”grandson slightly solution“, ”Bingbing then“ ”Meng Dexin book“ and other books. Good poetry, ”Artemisia“, ”view of the sea“, ”turtle though life“ and so express their political ambitions, and reflect the end of the people suffering life, magnificent, generous desolate, his literary achievements, the main table today's poetry, Prose is also very characteristic.

Cao Cao's poetry, this deposit more than 20 articles, all Yuefu poetry body. Content can be divided into three categories. One is related to current affairs, one is to express the ideal-based, one is immortal poetry.

And the current affairs of a certain relationship with the ”lotus exposed line“, ”Artemisia line“, ”bitter cold line“, ”step out of the summer line“ and so on. ”Xi Lu line“, ”Artemisia line“ two poems, for the early years of Jian'an. Before a reflection of He Jinmou punish eunuchs defeated, Dong Zhuo into Luoyang chaos; after a writing Kanto state of the county to discuss the soldiers, but also with ambition, mutual kill, in the content to tighten to undertake. Psalms in a concise language, highly summed up to write this period of historical process, so known as ”the end of the Ming Dynasty, the history of true poetry.“ In particular, in the poem ”Artemisia“ in his poetic style, he wrote the majority of the people in the war suffered by the deep suffering: ”armor Health 虮 lice, million people to death, bones exposed to wild, thousands of miles without From the Jian'an eleven years, the poem describes the winter Taihang mountain cold, barren, steep, vivid, but also write the poet's inner Complex feelings. “Step out of the summer line” for Jian'an twelve years when the three counties Wuhuan. The poem includes “Yan” (prelude) and four solutions. “Yan” focused on the poet set off when the complex mood. One solution “view of the sea”, written into the military through the Tateishi when the perception; two solutions “winter October”, three solutions “different soil”, write homework on the way; four solutions “turtle though life”, write this important battle After the victory of the ideological activities. Which “view of the sea” describes the sea scene, “autumn bleak, Hong Bo filled, the sun and the moon trip, if out of which; star Han brilliant, if out of it”, magnificent, dignified, against the background of the poet inclusive of the universe, throughput The sun and the moon broad mind. “Tortoise Shou” to a series of vivid metaphor, the expression of the poet's view of life and career: “old and stable, aiming for thousands of miles, martyrs old age, heart endless.” This is the poet to implement a lifelong positive and enterprising spirit of the true confession.

To express the ideal of the poem “degree off the mountain”, “wine”, “short song” and so on. The first two write political ideals. He thought of peace and prosperity is the Confucianism and law mining, Enwei and the use of the virtuous governor of politics. Which in the context of the social destruction of the social background, is undoubtedly a progressive significance. “Short song” is the theme of seeking Yin, “the mountain tire of high, the sea did not tired of deep, Zhou Bo spit feeding, the world heart” and other verses, to express mercy thirsty, 广纳 talent to Ji as its great cause mood.

In the artistic style, Cao Cao poetry simple, not algae decorated. They are deeply emotional, calm and sung to win. In the poetic mood, then generous sad for its characteristics. Generous sad, this is the common tone of Jian'an literature, but in Cao Cao's poems, it is the most typical performance, the most prominent. In the poetic genre, Cao Cao's Yuefu poems do not copy Han Yuefu regulations, but the development. Such as “Xi Lu line”, “Artemisia line”, in the Han Yuefu are elegy, he used the old lyrics to describe the new content. Cao Cao opened a tradition to write the current affairs of Yuefu, far-reaching impact. Jian'an writers and from the Northern and Southern Dynasties until the Tang Dynasty many poets, they intend to make a large number of Yuefu poems, can be said that this tradition of inheritance and development.

Cao Cao's achievements in literature, but also in his Jian'an literature (see Jian'an seven children) from the constructive role, Jian'an literature can be in the long war, social disruptive background to flourish, with his attention and promote Not open Liu Xie in the discussion of the reasons for the prosperity of Jian'an literature, once pointed out that “Wei Wu to Wang Zhizhen, Ya love poetry.” In fact, the main writer of Jian'an period, there is no close relationship with him. Cao Pi, Cao Zhi is his son, “seven children” and Cai Yan, also have to shelter in his shade. It can be said that the “Ye Xia literati group” is formed on the basis of the material conditions he provides; and their creation is carried out under the influence of his advocacy.

In addition, Cao Cao, there are many other articles handed down, such as “please add Guojia Fengyi table”, “let the county from the Ming Ben order”, “and Wang Xiu book”, “worship the so-called bridge mystery” Simple, emotional, fluency really.

Cao Cao works, according to Qing Yao Zhenzong “Three Kingdoms” research, there are “Wei Wu Di set” 30 volumes recorded 1 volumes, “Bing Shu” 13 volumes and so on more than ten species, and more has been lost, this deposit is only “grandson note.” Ming Zhang Pu series scattered see poetry, text and other 145 as “Wei Wu emperor set”, income “Han Wei and Six Dynasties hundred sets” in. Ding Fu Bao “Han Wei and Six Dynasties Masters” also “Wei Wu Emperor set”, the collection of works slightly more than Zhang Pu series. In 1959, the Chinese bookstore according to Ding Fu Bao, a little finishing supplement, into the “grandson note”, and attached to the “Wei Zhi Wu Di Ji”, “Cao Lun chronology” and so on, re-printed as “Cao Cao set.”


Cao Cao is a generation of calligraphers are little known, this is mainly Cao Cao handed down the calligraphy works less reason. “Book of the Tang Dynasty,” said: “opera, such as golden flowers, all over the exquisite, Jing Yu sub-Hui, Yao if the Cape charm.”

West Jin Sagong Zhang Hua in the “Museum” said: “Han Shi, Anping Cui Yuan, Yuan Zi 寔, Hong Nong Zhang Zhi, Chi Chi Chang and cursive, and Taizu Ya.

Southern calligraphy critics Yu Yuwu in his ”book“, the ancient celebrity calligraphy works are divided into: the upper, middle and lower three products, each product is divided into upper, middle and lower, a total of nine products; Of the calligraphy works included in the middle of the goods, called ”Li Mo Xiongzhao.“ Tang Dynasty calligrapher and commentator Zhang Huai-chen, according to the ancient calligrapher's artistic achievements, they are divided into God, wonderful, can be three categories: Jialite out of God, the use of fine for the wonderful, ; He was in the calligraphy commentary monograph ”book off“ in that Cao Cao ”You Gong Zhang grass, male Yuen“, its chapter grass works as wonderful. In view of this, Cao Cao's calligraphy works can not be classified as god goods, top grade, but in the national calligraphy home is a few.

There are historical records, he was often in addition to the famous calligrapher: Zhong Yao, Liang Hu, Handan Chun, Wei birthday, grandson Jing and others to learn from the calligraphy, but also to the favorite secretary of the words of Liang Hu in the account , Try to figure out, appreciate; sometimes sleep at night, then they slowly taste, pondering nail full of words Lianghu. Not only that, Wei Gong plaque he let Liang Hu write, you can say are all down. He and Zhong Yao between there is a little-known story: Zhong Yao dumping his life to the calligraphy career, when Cao Cao learned that Zhong Yao for the big calligrapher Cai Yong left to the birth of a book on the monograph , Refused to gas and hate blood vomiting more than when he was his own dedicated Wuling Dan took Zhong Yao to take.

Cao Cao is a good book, probably because of busy fighting, political affairs, no chance to write, so he spread the ink in the world very little.

Song Zhengqiao in the book ”Annals Golden Stone“, only included Cao Cao wrote a ”monument to the monument“; Ming Yang Shen in the ”Dan lead“, it is only said that when the Yuan Dynasty Cao Cao wrote ” In the “Jinshi recorded”, Cao Cao in Wuchang “Yellow Crane Tower” side has written a large, cold and angry, is the book “flood platform” three words. Is retained in the world only two words, and that Cao Cao in the levy Hanzhong, written in the stone gate south of a large stone on the “Dagon snow” word, now moved into the Hanzhong Museum. Bozhou “Cao Cao underground transport road” where to see the “dun snow” word, according to Tuoben engraved; above two official script small word “Wei Wang”, because of the title, but also blurred, The question.


